Through Different Lenses - 011


A Few Current Thoughts

It sounds like all things COVID-19 will be dominating the news for a while. As a result we will continue to see very volatile markets. 

News is coming at us very fast and in all directions. All I can share is a few of my own thoughts in hopes you finds something of value in them.

1. This is the first real market correction/global event taking place in the social media age. This noise has never been louder.

2. The most important trait as an investor is not IQ, it is having calm temperament and patience.

3. As with set backs in life, there will always be market pull backs. Get used to them, learn from them, and move on.

4. There are two things a market down turn provides: An opportunity to create wealth and an opportunity to learn.

5. Opportunities in stock markets are usually the highest when there is maximum fear. When there is maximum fear, it is often the hardest time to pull the trigger and buy stocks.

Here's your weekly Wednesday take a break from all the noise reads. 

  • The 10 Most Innovative Brands of 2020 (Fast Company)

  • Using Models to Stay Calm in Charged Situations (Farnam Street)

  • We'll Get Through This (Morgan Housel)

  • The Six Morning Routines that Will Make You Happier, Healthier and More Productive (Pocket)

  • The rice and the chessboard story – The power of exponential growth (Purpose Focus Commitment)

The Most Loved Brands By Generation


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Through Different Lenses - 012


Through Different Lenses - 010