Through Different Lenses - 012


A Few Current Thoughts

The pace that news and information has accelerated this last week has been phenomenal.

Right now every day feels like a week and a week feels like a month.

However, everything will become clear again.

We are all learning new habits and routines. Hopefully most of you can find many positives right now.

Below are your weekly reads, however, if you are looking for something completely off pace, check out this fascinating Google Talk with Jeff Probst, discussing all things Survivor.

Jeff Probst: "A Peek Behind the Scenes of Survivor's 20-Year Success" | Talks at Google

Brew a cup of your favourite warm stuff and settle in for your better than Wednesday self isolation reads.

The Top 50 Highest-Grossing Video Game Franchises


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Through Different Lenses - 013


Through Different Lenses - 011