Through Different Lenses - 010


A Few Current Thoughts

COVID-19 is very serious however there is a lot of noise. Use your news sources sparingly and rely on the most vetted of sources. Social media itself is not a news source. Everyone is quickly becoming an expert on coronavirus.

Risk is what you don’t see coming.

It’s very difficult to be fearful when others are greedy because it seems there is very little to be fearful about.

On the flip side, it’s very difficult to be greedy when others are fearful because it seems there is very little to be greedy about.

Predicting what the markets are going to do in the short term makes no sense. Some people might get it right, but that will be attributed more to luck than skill.

Now, dive in with a cup of joe and enjoy this weeks better than Wednesday reads.

Last week from

Predicting the future is extremely difficulty in a lot of ways. However, have some fun seeing what yesterdays concept cars where expect to look like.


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Through Different Lenses - 011


Mr. Market