Through Different Lenses / A Wednesday Weekly - 003

Compounding small events over long periods of time can result in fantastic outcomes. I published an article last week on LinkedIn titled, Why This Simple Strategy in Life and Investing is Underrated. You can read the article here.

Now that it feels like winter has set in, grab a hot cup of joe and stay warm with this weeks reads.

  • Risk Is What You Don't See (Morgan Housel)

  • Parents of the Most Successful Kids Do These 5 Things Differently (Inc)

  • If You Can Change Your Mind, You Can Change Anything (Darius Foroux)

  • Long Term Investing in the Age of Small Attention Spans (Safal Niveshak)

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7 Books I Read in 2019 Worth Talking About


Why This Simple Strategy in Life and Investing is Underrated