7 Books I Read in 2019 Worth Talking About

So I must start by confessing, I consume most of my books these days using Audible. Although it’s not for everyone, I find the amount of books I have been getting through is significantly more than ever before.

That being said, a good book is just that. I went back through my reading list and came up with my top 7 books I consumed in 2019. Here they are in no particular order.

1. Thank You for Being Late - Thomas L. Friedman

This book takes your mind on a ride. Friedman does a fantastic job describing the largest forces shaping the 21st century and the opportunities and dangers that surround them. As the title might suggest, he encourages you to slow down and take in the significant changes that are taking place all around us.

2. The Dark Web - Goeff White, Bernard P. Achampong (Audible Original)

You don’t know what you don’t know. That has never been more obvious after listening to The Dark Web series on Audible. They say the depths of the dark web could be 500 times larger than what we see and know as the surface web. Not only do you need specific software to access it, you need to know exactly what you are looking for because there are no common domains such as .com. It was fascinating but also unnerving at the same time.

3. How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big - Scott Adams

You may not know right away who Scott Adams is, but you most likely know his most famous creation, Dilbert. Creator of the Dilbert comic strip, Adams has had his hand in many failures and shares his thoughts and lessons along the way. A lot of his truths he learned happen to be quite simple, at the same time quite profound.

4. Can’t Hurt Me - David Goggins

Although this book might be tailored to the male under 30 crowd, I still found his story extremely fascinating. Growing up in what can only be described as a horrible childhood, later Goggins forged a mindset of mental toughness almost second to none. The determination he portrays in his stories is absolutely unheard of.

5. Little Black Stretchy Pants - Chip Wilson

Chip Wilson may have as many haters as fans, but there is no denying the success of Lululemon. Like most work hard success stories, the lessons Wilson discusses are learned along the way. Although it’s the unauthorized story of Lululemon, it is interesting to know the roots of so many peoples favourite clothing line.

6. The Ride of a Lifetime - Robert Iger

This book is probably one of my favourite I've read in many years. Robert Iger is the CEO of The Walt Disney Company and takes you on his 45 year journey, starting as the lowest employee at ABC. Since Iger become CEO of Disney in 2005, he has been responsible for what Disney looks like today including the acquisitions of Pixar, Marvel, LucasFilm and 20th Century Fox. On top of all that, he had a budding friendship with none other than Steve Jobs.

7. Atomic Habits - James Clear

This book changed the way I think about setting goals. It has allowed me to slow down and realize the power of tiny changes and how they can compound into remarkable outcomes. Although I believe both setting goals and good habits are equally important, this book focuses on the habit systems being correct to achieve your outcomes.

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