Through Different Lenses - 034


A Few Current Thoughts

As I write this, it is 10:42 am on the day of the US election.

It is feeling somewhat like an eerie calm before the storm.

As you read this, we may or may not be in the middle of the storm. However, here are a few things that I believe are constant going forward regardless of the election outcome:

I believe in humanity going forward.

Positive change in the world will continue to occur.

Long term investment returns will continue to reward the patient investor.

Major news events always seem like a bigger deal at the time versus hindsight.

Tomorrow is just another day.

Happy Wednesday!

Since all we seem to talk about is the US election, here are your "non US election" Wednesday reads....oh and a pretty tasty home fries recipe.

  • Why most people will remain in mediocrity (CNBC)

  • The Secret to Better Home Fries? Cook Them Like the French Do (ktchn)

  • 10 Things Incredibly Likable People Never, Ever Do (and Why You Love Them for It) (Inc.)

  • I have A Few Questions (Morgan Housel)

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Through Different Lenses - 035


Through Different Lenses - 033