Through Different Lenses / A Wednesday Weekly - 002


It's the time of year when we're all motivated to start off on the right foot, set goals and finally achieve everything we have ever wanted. Now that the turkey, drinking and in-law haze has finally cleared, let the new year bring on a fresh mindset. If you are in need of some inspiration to start this year off right, here is a list of 26 books recommended by high achievers. 

26 Favourite Books of High Achievers

This weeks articles are certainly centred around money, investing and wealth. That being said, save the money on the Starbucks latte, dust off the French press and enjoy a frugal home brewed coffee with these reads.

  • 20 Rules for Markets and Investing (Compound Advisors)

  • Opinion: Here are the odds stocks will rise in 2020 (Market Watch)

  • Can you have too much invested inside an RRSP? (MoneySense)

  • Naval Ravikant On How To Get Rich...Without Getting Lucky (Medium)

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