Through Different Lenses ๐Ÿ‘“ 2021-019


A Few Current Thoughts

Technology change accelerates fast. Throw in a pandemic and it moves even quicker.

Companies and individuals are constantly innovating. However, these last 15 months have seen innovation and change work in overdrive.

"The closest parallel is the post-World War II era, which led to massive economic and societal changes"

We might look back at this period in life and realize it once again set the course for massive economic and societal changes.

You can read more about the idea of the great reset here:

The Great Reset (Barry Ritholtz)

Happy Wednesday!

Every Wednesday you know what to do. Fill up the mug and enjoy this weeks reads.

Which Countries Have the Worldโ€™s Largest Proven Oil Reserves?


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Through Different Lenses ๐Ÿ‘“ 2021-020


Through Different Lenses ๐Ÿ‘“ 2021-017