Through Different Lenses 👓 2021-012


A Few Current Thoughts

Some Wednesday wisdom from a few investment greats.

“Waiting helps you as an investor and a lot of people just can’t stand to wait. If you didn’t get the deferred-gratification gene, you’ve got to work very hard to overcome that.”

- Charlie Munger

“The investor’s chief problem—and his worst enemy—is likely to be himself. In the end, how your investments behave is much less important than how you behave.”

- Benjamin Graham

“History provides a crucial insight regarding market crises: they are inevitable, painful and ultimately surmountable.”

- Shelby M.C. Davis

Happy Wednesday!

Grab a cup of your favourite morning brew, here are this weeks reads.

  • The Growth-Value Cycle (Ben Carlson)

  • The Big Lessons of the Last Year (Morgan Housel)

  • Meet the four people chose to orbit Earth in the first all-civilian rocket (Business Insider)

  • Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure plan, explained in 600 words (Vox)

How Old Are The Tech Companies


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Through Different Lenses 👓 2021-014


Through Different Lenses 👓 2021-011