Through Different Lenses - 027


Hello Again!

Welcome back to your favourite weekly email, of course that is somewhat of a biased opinion.

I hope your summer went well despite this COVID world we are still living in.

As always with Through Different Lenses, I want to continue to inform and entertain you from many different perspectives. Welcome back!

As we enter fall and the weather begins to cool, grab a cup of your favourite warm stuff and enjoy this weeks reads.

  • The Hardest Investment Question To Answer (A Wealth Of Common Sense)

  • When The Magic Happens - As story about when big innovations happen (Morgan Housel)

  • Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey shares habits for focus and work-life balance (CNBC)

  • Intelligent Minds Like Tim Cook and Jeff Bezos Embrace the Rule of Awkward Silence. You Should Too (INC)

  • Thinking For Oneself (Farnam Street)

AIoT: When Artificial Intelligence Meets the Internet of Things


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Through Different Lenses - 028


Through Different Lenses - 026