The Farmer's Horse: The Fine Line Between Good and Bad News

A farmer owned a horse that he used to plow his fields. One day, the horse ran away and the farmer's neighbours came to offer their condolences, saying, "What bad news! Your horse has run away." But the farmer simply replied, "Who knows if it's good news or bad news.”

A few days later, the horse returned to the farm, bringing with him a herd of wild horses. The farmer's neighbours came to offer their congratulations, saying, "What good news! Your horse has returned and brought a herd with him." But the farmer simply replied, "Who knows if it's good news or bad news.”

The next day, the farmer's son was trying to tame one of the wild horses, but he fell off and broke his leg. The neighbours came to offer their condolences, saying, "What bad news! Your son has broken his leg." But the farmer simply replied, "Who knows if it's good news or bad news.”

A few days later, the army came to the village to conscript men for the war, but they rejected the farmer's son because of his broken leg. The neighbours came to offer their congratulations, saying, "What good news! Your son has been spared from the war." But the farmer simply replied, "Who knows if it's good news or bad news.”

The story illustrates the idea that it is often difficult to know whether something is good news or bad news, and that we should not rush to judgment. It also highlights the idea that our perception of good and bad events can change over time, and that what we initially see as bad news may ultimately turn out to be good.

In terms of wealth, health and personal growth, this story can be a reminder that life is full of surprises and that we should be open to change and adaptable. The story can also remind us to be patient and to not rush to judgment about the events that happen in our lives. Sometimes, it takes time for the full picture to come into focus, and only then can we truly understand the significance of what has occurred.


The Rice on the Chessboard: The Power of Compound Growth in Life


Through Different Lenses 👓 2021-020